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QuickBooks Error 12007: Comprehensive Guide to Causes and Solutions

QuickBooks Error 12007 is a common issue faced by users while updating QuickBooks or payroll services. This error typically occurs due to network timeouts or issues in the internet connection. Understanding the root cause and how to troubleshoot this error can save you from unnecessary headaches and potential disruptions to your business operations.

What is QuickBooks Error 12007?

QuickBooks Error 12007 is primarily a network-related error that occurs when the software is unable to access the server. This can happen during an update of QuickBooks or when downloading payroll updates. The error message usually reads:

“Error 12007: A network timeout that is preventing QuickBooks from accessing the server.”

This error can halt your update process and can be frustrating if not resolved promptly.

General Causes of QuickBooks Error 12007

Understanding the causes of QuickBooks Error 12007 can help you prevent it in the future. Here are some common reasons why this error occurs:

  1. Internet Connection Issues

    • Unstable or slow internet connection.
    • Network timeout due to high traffic or server issues.
  2. Firewall and Security Settings

    • Misconfigured firewall or security settings blocking QuickBooks access.
    • Antivirus software interfering with the update process.
  3. Incorrect Internet Explorer Settings

    • Internet Explorer not set as the default browser.
    • Incorrect SSL settings in Internet Explorer.
  4. Network Timeout

    • Server issues causing a network timeout.
    • Heavy network traffic causing delays.
  5. Incorrect Configuration of QuickBooks Update

    • Incorrect configuration of QuickBooks update settings.
    • Issues with the QuickBooks update service.

Troubleshooting Solutions to Fix QuickBooks Error 12007

To resolve QuickBooks Error 12007, you can follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure that your internet connection is stable and working correctly. You can do this by:

  • Restarting your router and modem.
  • Checking your internet speed and ensuring it’s sufficient for QuickBooks updates.
  • Trying to access other websites to see if the connection is stable.

2. Configure Firewall and Security Settings

Your firewall or antivirus software might be blocking QuickBooks from accessing the server. To resolve this:

  • Add QuickBooks as an exception in your firewall and antivirus settings.
  • Temporarily disable your antivirus software and try updating QuickBooks again.
  • Ensure that the necessary ports (80 and 443) are open and accessible.

3. Set Internet Explorer as Default Browser

QuickBooks relies on Internet Explorer for its updates. To ensure proper functionality:

  • Open Internet Explorer.
  • Go to Tools > Internet Options > Programs.
  • Click on Make Default to set Internet Explorer as your default browser.

4. Verify Internet Explorer Settings

Incorrect settings in Internet Explorer can cause QuickBooks Error 12007. To fix this:

  • Open Internet Explorer.
  • Go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced.
  • Ensure that SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 are checked under the Security section.
  • Uncheck the Check for publisher’s certificate revocation option.

5. Update QuickBooks Desktop

Sometimes, updating QuickBooks Desktop to the latest version can resolve the error. To do this:

  • Open QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Go to Help > Update QuickBooks.
  • Click on Update Now and wait for the process to complete.

6. Reconfigure QuickBooks Update Settings

Incorrect update settings can also lead to QuickBooks Error 12007. To reconfigure the settings:

  • Open QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Go to Help > Update QuickBooks.
  • Click on the Options tab and ensure that all required options are selected.
  • Click on Save and then Close.

7. Reset QuickBooks Update Settings

If the above steps do not work, you can try resetting the update settings:

  • Open QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Go to Help > Update QuickBooks.
  • Click on the Update Now tab.
  • Check the Reset Update box and click on Get Updates.

8. Reinstall QuickBooks Desktop

If none of the above solutions work, you may need to reinstall QuickBooks Desktop:

  • Uninstall QuickBooks Desktop from your computer.
  • Download the latest version from the official QuickBooks website.
  • Install QuickBooks Desktop and try updating again.

Preventive Measures

To avoid encountering QuickBooks Error 12007 in the future, consider these preventive measures:

  • Regularly update QuickBooks and your operating system to the latest versions.
  • Ensure a stable and high-speed internet connection.
  • Regularly check and update your firewall and antivirus settings.
  • Keep your Internet Explorer and other browsers updated.


QuickBooks Error 12007 can be a significant hindrance to maintaining smooth business operations. However, by understanding its causes and following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively resolve this error and prevent it from occurring in the future. Regular maintenance and updates of your system and software can also play a crucial role in ensuring that you experience fewer disruptions and maintain the efficiency of your business processes. If the error persists, seeking professional assistance from QuickBooks support can be a wise step to ensure a comprehensive solution.

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